Saturday, July 14, 2007

Did I Muss Summer??

I'm on vacation, which is great. Then again, we're in the country off on the farm, and it's been raining since we got here a week ago. The dams that we used to have holding fish and crayfish burst and flooded fields etc. last Monday. So, I am of the definite oppinion that it is time for the rain to STOP! I want Summer! I've made myself go swimming all of twice, to get it over with - but I still want to go in the sun and because I'm hot at some point... Well, we have another week here, so let's hope it gets better. At this point I'm just going to keep my hopes up for California. If it rains then too, I am going to be sooooo upset! Then again we're going cayacking with wales so I'm thinking my mind will be less on the fact that I'm still pale as in winter, and more on the wales :)

1 comment:

The McGeehins said...

Awesome! Have just added you as a link on my blog so now I check your site regularily! :) Can't wait to see you & Nicklas soon!!!
