Sunday, August 19, 2007

Three weeks of unaldulterated fun

So, we are now back home, complete with dog and several extra pounds... Eating out in the US every day for three weeks does nothing for your figure, I'll tell you that much! Other than that, I have had an absolute blast. I'm also glad to say that Pasco seems to share the sentiment, even if he was left at home. Reports have it that he has been doing a lot of chasing cows and running away from my parents...

Three weeks of constant doing stuff is hard to recap in something that won't take hours to read, so I'll focus on the best bits.

We started our trip off in San Francisco. Just as cool as we had hoped. We managed to get through most of the big stuff, like taking the cable car, seeing a baseball game, crossing the golden gate and taking a proper tour of Alcatraz. We started off by taking a full day wine tour of Napa Valley. Drinking started around 11am... some really nice wines, and some that were less so. Most hilarious part was probably the two ladies 50-something that seemed to have made it their goal to get trashed. Buying a bottle for the bus at every stop (there were four of them) and having another one for lunch, one of the two actually passed out on the last strech of the ride taking us to the ferry back to SF. Great start to the trip though!

Next stop Seattle. Here we took it pretty easy, walked around the city and had a nice long dinner in the revolving Space Needle restaurant. Great food, and an absolutedly breath-taking view.

After two days, we went on to take the bus North to Vancouver. Here we met up with our paddling gang. Great with friends in stressful jobs requiring constant travelling giving them lots of points at nice hotels. Especially when they use these to put their friends up in great rooms :) Hehe. After a nice chat with a glass of wine on the hotel patio, we all headed off to bed.

Next morning we started our journey to Vancouver Island... turned out it was a national holiday and long week end, so we had to wait for two ferries, before we finally got on the third to take us across. Ended up on Quadra Island, where our Kayaking adventure was to start, around 11 pm. By then we had missed the welcome meeting and apparently som pretty great partying at the only bar on the island...

The following day we met up with the rest of our group. Some pretty great people, making for a good and bumpy 3-hour ride in a water taxi out to our remote cliff-side camp. Felt pretty good, seeing as how we managed to get our first Orca siting on the way!

During the next few days we paddled, saw more Orca, hump-backs, dolphins, river otters, huge star fish and more. We had four beautiful days hanging out with some of our best friends, that we rarely see, and some new great people, who turned out to be an absolute blast.

When four days were up, it was back to Vancouver. Here we ended up in the construction zone preparing the city for the winter Oplympics 2010. Somewhat tired after several nights in a tent, we took it easy, walked around lots, and managed to catch another super duper highlight of the trip. We got tickets to Nickelback's concert. Woohoo! Pretty darn cool I say!

The last two days in San Francisco we were beat. Managed to catch our first hour at a pool all vacation, and prepared for the gruelling trip home. After our red-eye from SF to Philadelphia we had an eleven hour lay-over before our next flight home. Already exhausted, we made our way into the city to see the Liberty Bell and take a bus tour of the city.

We've now been home for going on five days, and we're still jet lagged! Insane! Never had it this bad before... but we're getting there. We've kept busy trying to put the finishing touches on the apartment in view of our flat warming next week. Woohoo! Really looking forward to seeing everyone again. :)

1 comment:

The McGeehins said...

We had a blast meeting up with you guys on the kayaking trip!!! We miss you tremendously already...when is our next trip!?!?!?
Love you!