Saturday, June 9, 2007

School's (almost) out for Summer!

Ah, freedom is near. The sun is shining, and global warming is giving us a fantastic Summer so far... can't really say that I've ever been in the situation of mid June with 30 degrees before. At least not in Sweden! But I am liking it. Very much!
Other than that we finished off our last project yesterday. Woohoo! That too was mainly a success even if it wasn't perfect. Now the only real problem that remains is the fact that I still don't have anywhere to do my internship. I just keep getting no's from everyone. But I shall keep trying. Next week it'll happen. I'm sure... I hope!

On a very happy note - we move next week!!! In one week at this very point of the day, most of the stuff should be out of this apartment and into the new one. YIPPEE!!! Then we start repainting etc etc, but that'll hopefully be done within a week. Then I start work. I'm starting to think it might even be fun to work for a bit. It's nt impossible that I will change my mind on that rather quickly, but it's worth a go.

And after that the real Summer starts. A few weeks in Gränna, then we're off for three glorious weeks to the US of A. Hotels are booked, and we've booked som stuff to do too, like we have tickets to a base ball game in San Francisco. Since one of the web pages cocked up when we were buying, we actually ended up with four tickets. Anyone up for base ball?? Hoping we can sell the extra tickets on ebay... We've also booked a wine tour of the Napa Valley and a table at the Sears Tower restaurant in Seattle.

In preparation of our paddling tour off Vancouver Island, my brother was kind enough to give me the book The Swarm. In it global warming somehow (haven't gotten that far yet) drives all sorts of creatures crazy... among them whales who start capsizing ships, and leaving the people to be eaten by rogue orcas... I have been told that orcas otherwise don't eat people... So this could be somewhat interesting. Let's hope the book is more fiction than truth, and that we may have a peaceful whale encounter!

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