Thursday, December 13, 2007

Very Loooong Fall...

Long time no blogging...
That can really only be explained by my state of stress extreme for the past month or two. Ugh. As usual everything always descends at once, and this time it was just a little bit too much. But now it's better. Theoretically. If I don't think too much of the reality of it.

Yesterday I finished off my sister in law's homepage for her jewellery business. Quite proud of it myself - not perfect, but good for now. It's been a lot of work and learning along the way - but now it is done. Hopefully up for viewing soon. Just waiting for her photo guy to get me the last few things for her gallery pages.

So now, all that remains is the final project for my web editing course, which is done at the end of January. I haven't started. Was supposed to have done that a week and a half ago... running a little behind schedule... In addition to that, we head for the Dominican Republic in a little over a week. I see now, that I will end up working on our holiday. Poop. Not at all what I was hoping for. I haven't had a proper day off in weeks. I only just started sleeping a few nights ago. This after about two and a half months of way too much sleeplessness.

So then there is the issue of a job. Went to two interviews last week. One I turned down all on my own (not that I know if I had gone into the second round) but the job was horrifyingly boring. The other job I'm still waiting to hear from. They said they wanted to finish off during this week. Still not heard. Slowly losing hope. The crappy thing is that I would do really well in that job. And I thought the interview went really well too. I basically had experience in everything they wanted. But with my luck it'll be back to the CV and letter writing this week end. Why does it have to be so difficult? And my christmas spirit is completely gone. Actually - this year, I just don't have one. Doesn't feel like a bit of christmas at all. No fun. Have to stop with the short sentences. Really need to get going on that final project. *big fat sigh* Toodles.

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