Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The Good, Bad and the Ugly...

I'll start with the good. Which is, that I may just have found myself the best guy on the planet. Nicklas turned up at school this morning with a beautiful rose for me. His reason was to apologize for being a grumpy sod, which he had been... But I would have been perfeclty happy for him to just stop being grumpy. Not that I'm complaining! I love getting flowers. Don't think that'll ever get boring. :)
Isn't it pretty? Yay! :)

Also on the good side, is that I think my cold is finally giving up! I'm starting to feel myself again. Took long enough!

Now to the bad and the ugly. Just had a call from the mechnic who is servicing my car today. A few weeks ago, we noticed that the hood on the car wouldn't close properly - or open for that matter. This can't be fixed other than, as I understand it, rebending the metal of the entire front of the car. This would be the bad.

The ugly would be the bastard who must have hit us while we were parked. We are quite sure that we are entirely innocent on this part. I have the nasty feeling that the insurance company aren't going to be all too fothcoming either. But it's worth a try. Don't even want to know how much this is going to cost! :(

Never mind... concentrate on the good for now :)

1 comment:

The McGeehins said...

More posts, more posts, more posts...

Miss you