Saturday, February 24, 2007

Possible Relief??

Sometimes I wonder what happens with my weekends. I spend all week in class in front of the computer typing away, staring at the screen, come home and do what? I could take some time off and just not do computer for a day you might think... but no. But at least today has been quite productive. I think I may have - finally - found some sort of help for my constant stomach problems.
Since doctors don't seem to help much, I have taken it upon myself to try to find a cure for my own unnamed stomach disorder. I'm quite convinced that what I have lands under the lable of IBS, which no one seems quite sure of what it is, but everyone is uninimous that it is incurable. Joy of joys! I've tried for years to control it through my diet, but seem to get it wrong no matter how hard I try. All I have is anti-spasmodic drugs that make me feel slightly naucious. Not so nice in the long run.
But according to my new favorite website, there is hope. Turns out that I've been dooped by all the wholewheat propaganda, when what I need to soothe my stomach is soluble fiber, which you get from good old white bread, rice, potatoes and pasta - the normal kind. Of course I have to eat the other stuff too, but not the way I have been religiously adhering to it! The downside is that this also excludes fat (not news to me)... but to the point of excluding all red meat and dairy. There seem to be some pretty ok alternatives though, so we'll see how this goes. Nicklas is tentatively enthusiastic, mainly because he wants me to feel better... and I also promised that he can have cheese on the pasta when I don't... and he can still eat his salami, while I simply have to drewl. Not liking that part so much... But for this I will employ a - in Sweden - well-known technique: "Jag kan flyga, jag är inte rädd!" (Translates to, "I can fly, I am not afraid!") And if this too fails - there is apparently also the possibilyt of self-hypnotherapy... Which is when I thought diet might be my firtst option...
Looking forward to finishing off my Saturday at the movies - not been there for ages! And we're having Chinese! YUMMY!!! Lots of rice! Being so good already, see??

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