Tuesday, September 11, 2007

My Dog and His Cone

This weekend I sent my sweet little mutt to have his spurs removed. These are leftover toes used for nothing, hanging on by just a little skin and remnants of a former useful body part I'm sure. Removal, was done purely out of concern on my part. You see, I figure that it is better that they are cut off in a sterile enovironment, rather than that they were to get stuck in something and ripped off by accident. Ouch! Exactly.

So, the past few days have been fine. He is in no pain and happy as usual. He has however refused to wear his cone, and persist in taking it off as soon as it is put on. This lead to resignation on our part, and we let him lead his cone free life. However, this morning he took advantage. Just when he had arrived at day care, he was left unsupervised for a few minutes (no blame, mind you!). It did not take him long to realise his chance, and he chewed off the bandage on one foot, and persisted in also ripping out the three stitches. This left a nice open wound.

So instead of going to class today, I had to take Pasco back to the vet and pay once again to have them put another stich in him.

Now he is stuck with the darn cone, which gets stuck around every corner and in every bush, for another two weeks. All I can do really is give one big, heavy sigh, and put his picture out here. He does looks somewhat pathetic huh?

1 comment:

The McGeehins said...

Oh my goodness...if that isn't one big cry for help, I don't know what is!!!