Wednesday, March 28, 2007

I'm all alone...

Weird feeling. We have the afternoon for independent study, and I'm the only one still in school. Very empty and quite lonely really. Only reason I'm here is that I've thrown out my back again, and the chairs here are so much better than the ones around my kitchen table at home... Since Friday night when it happened (not 100% sure what actually did happen...)I've been thinking that however fun Friday night may have been, it was not worth this much pain. The hang-over maybe, but not the back. So I'm back to the chiropractor - soon hopefully!
It's already wednesday again! Time flies. Getting old again... But at least this week end we get to start packing up the apartment to store all the stuff that shouldn't be there for the showing. They'll be taking pictures for the web next week, and showing just after Easter. Scarry, but very very exciting! :) We're both getting rather impatient now to get moving. Especially now that the drunks are becoming ever more attracted to the park down the street, and walk past our window yelling every night. I thought 4 flights would have made that not such a problem, but was I ever wrong!
And now I think I will go home after all. Hopefully I'll get there after the dog walking lady has dropped Pasco off again. She gets ever so annoyed when she sees that we came home earlier unplanned - again. Strikes me that she really shouldn't care seeing as how we do pay her... anywho - more next time...

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