Saturday, March 17, 2007

Some Days...

are just crap from beginning to end. You know when you wake up that something is just a little bit off, and it doesn't seem to go away. Well that day is today. Saturdays are usually a favourite with me, but I suppose knowing it was Saturday and I had a trip to Ikea to look forward to kind of bummed it from the start. Ikea wasn't a complete waste though. We managed to get there before most of the families who bring all the kids and grandma along for the ride. Why do they do that?? Anyway, we managed to find a few things that will be good for the new apartment. Among other things a bed that will in total be about the same that just the frame that we were considering before would have cost... and we came home with the moving boxes that were the reason for our trip in the first place - along with a few toys for Pasco. I swear that dog got on a plane and came to heaven. Spoiled little brat is what he is. But cute - which some days really is the only reason we keep him around! :)
To add to the joy of the day, the apartment is a mess. We have boxes and things EVERYWHERE, since we have no storage room left. At least we can start moving stuff out for the showing at the turn of the month. I cannot wait for a bigger apartment! At which point I have decided that a lot of stuff is going to have been thrown out as well. I just can't be bothered with it at the moment... so I suppose I'll have to blame myself for the mess. And now it is time for me to do some well needed studying. Have a website due Wednesday.

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