Friday, March 30, 2007

Ode To My Chiropractor

I think my chiropractor takes first place on my list of health care professionals. It's pretty close between him and Christer, my tummy-doc but Martin (the chiroproctor) is great because he gets such immediate results. My appointment was at 8.30 am, now an hour later I am sitting at my desk in only very mild pain - a HUGE improvement. I love it. And he thought I should get well after just this visit. Woohoo!!! No more old lady!!!
I have started thinking though... since there always seems to be something wrong with me - should I really procreate? I mean granted, none of my ailments are technically hereditary, but it does seem that I was not put together quite right. Or maybe I should just not let my kids snowboard their back into disalignment... or eat too much dairy... not that I know if that's gonna help.
Anywho, back to work. I have a text on what is being done about human trafficking in Sweden to write... very uplifting subject!

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