Saturday, May 12, 2007

Ballooning / No Ballooning

It is just past one o'clock on Saturday morning. Thinking we were off on a really cool balloonig trip around 3, and having slept incredibly badly last night, I happily fell asleep around 8. Was supposed to watch a movie first, but eventually gave up and drifted in to sweet sleep. Pasco is with his day mom over night, so that he would be safely cared for while we were away. About half an hour ago, Nicklas's alarm went off to wake him up to call the answering phone that would tell us if we have lift off or no. A few miutes after Nicklas turned the alarm off, I realised that he had simply gone back to sleep... Since I don't have that talent when I know things are going on, I woke him up for the number and called.
Now, after all this planning our flight has been cancelled. Too much risk for fog apparently. This is the problem with ballooning. So much preparation, and so little chance of actually lifting off. At least in this country. So now, since I can't sleep having totally screwed up my clock, I'm left watchin late night tv. Thought it would be worse, but found Third Watch on. I guess it's not late enough yet for the real crap to come on. I used to know what was on when... I guess it just goes to show I've gotten old. I mean I am turning 27 in just over a week. Odd, odd feeling. Although not half as bad as I have been anticipating. Think I actually felt worse turning 26. Now I'm already over that hump, so I guess i might as well just enjoy it. Hehe.
Well, a little while of tv will hopefully lull me back to sleep. Have to pick our little doggy poo around 9 am. Very odd not having the dog around when we're home... Very empty and quiet. Funny how quickly you get used to having the little hair ball around. He was on his day care interview today, and passed with flying colours. Hopefully she'll have a space for him in August. Would be a pretty sweet place for him to be. Lots of other Spaniards for him to party with all day long. Hehe.
As for our ballooning, I guess we'll just have to rebook, and hope for better luck next time.

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